Global Email Illustration of email dispersing internationally.

Global Digital University

Value and Role of Email in our Marketing Strategies

GDU Presentation: Email 101

In May 2021, Grazi Dib, Senior Marketing Technology Manager, and Jenny Elliott, Director of Digital Analytics, led a session on the foundations of email marketing at TNC. 

They covered the role of email in our marketing efforts and discussed how email capture is fundamental to a user journey. They answered the questions: 

  • Why do we care about email and what value does it bring?
  • How does TNC use email marketing and what data do we have?
  • We captured an email address! Now what?
  • How best to capture email
They also introduced topics for future GDUs on email, including how to write a good marketing email. 


Presentation Materials

  • Link to Zoom Recording w/ Transcript

    To view the Zoom recording with integrated transcript, follow the link and passcode in the Box note. Box Note with Zoom Link

  • conch shell lies on sand in shallow water under blue skies

    Q&A from Email 101

    In our live GDU session there were too many questions to answer! So we have compiled all the questions and answers into a document on Box. Email Q&A Box Note