
TNC Centralized Email and Forms Transition

Luminate Online transitions to SAS and Engaging Networks

Cabin Bluff Sunset at Cabin Bluff along the Cumberland River in Georgia. © Mac Stone

In Fall 2020 - Summer 2021, TNC will transition content off of Luminate Online and replace the system with two new systems - SAS and Engaging Networks. After the transition, enterprise email will be managed through Jira (Marketing Requests Portal) and forms (event registration, advocacy, pledges, quizes, etc) will be managed in Engaging Networks. At this time, the Nature News and the Centralized Email Program have already moved to sending out of SAS. We are currently setting up Engaging Networks to TNC specifications and moving active forms off of Luminate Online and onto Engaging Networks. Educational sessions and training on building Event Forms and managing data in Engaging Networks are planned for early July 2021, and training registration is now live on Conservation The final switch off of Luminate Online will occur on July 19th, 2021. 


  • Summer 2020: CEP Transition to Jira Service Management (formerly Jira Service Desk)
  • December 2020: Training on Nature News email submissions
  • Winter/Spring 2020/1: Migration of forms from LO to Engaging Networks
  • July 12-23, 2021: Training on Engaging Networks (Events) 
  • July 17-19, 2021: Engaging Networks Go-Live (switch all URLs to point to EN pages rather than Luminate pages)

Nature News Training 

In addition to moving off of Luminate Online, the Nature News design has also be updated and the new design is now in circulation! Training on the new design of Nature News newsletters and the new submission process took place in December 2020. Check out our page on Nature News resources for more information and training recordings. 

  • dusk turns everything golden over niobrara falls

    Nature News Transition

    Nature News (GPN) submission process is moving to the Marketing Requests Portal. The move includes a redesign and a change in story submission process. Learn More

Engaging Networks

The means by which we capture information (donations, email sign-ups, events registration, pledges, quizzes, hunting permits, etc.) will be moving to Engaging Networks in Q3 and Q4 of this fiscal.

In Q1 and Q2 of FY21, we audited forms in Luminate Online to prepare for the migration to Engaging Networks. In Q3 we will begin the migration and quality testing, as well as build trainings on the new system. 

Training on Engaging Networks will mainly involve the same folks who currently build forms in Luminate Online as well as anyone who needs to collect and extract data gathered from these forms. That training is taking place in July 2021 with registration now live on Check out our Connect page for more details. 

For more information on the Engaging Networks transition, I recommend you review the March 2021 Digital All Call recording and slide deck on box. 

Why Retire LO? 

As we head more deeply into the fourth year of our Digital Transformation efforts our focus has turned towards the sunset of Luminate Online and the launch of new email and eCRM systems. While Luminate Online has served us well for many years there were a number of key factors that have pushed us to rethink how we do business. Some of these include having to share IPs for our email sends, the lack of innovation and integration of new payment methods and the lack of Luminate Online to manage our global footprint in a scalable way.

This means that in the United States, what once was one solution will now be two. The means by which we capture information (donations, email sign-ups, events registration, pledges, quizzes, hunting permits, etc…) will be moving to Engaging Networks in Q3 and Q4 of this fiscal.

The means by which we send email centrally within the United States has already begun to be migrated to SAS and Nature News (formally Great Places) as well as other non-US Membership state-based email sends will be sent from SAS starting in Q3 of fiscal year 2021.

More training and specific communications will be coming your way soon but it is our hope that the investments in these new technologies will allow us to operate more flexibly in how we do business both within the US and worldwide.