
TNC Asset Management and Storage

Transition to Aprimo DAM

Sunrise on Sand Prairie Four-point evening primrose (Oenothera rhombipetala) and sunrise on sand prairie at The Nature Conservancy’s Platte River Prairies, Nebraska. © Chris Helzer/TNC
After implementing the Aprimo enterprise DAM, all assets will be housed in the same system and that system will communicate with other digital marketing systems.
After implementing the Aprimo enterprise DAM, all assets will be housed in the same system and that system will communicate with other digital marketing systems.

In Winter and Spring 2019-2020, TNC will transition to managing marketing assets in our new Digital Asset Management system, Aprimo. At this time, we are working closely with the Global Photo Team and field program asset managers to prepare assets to migrate into the new system. The information on this page is largely geared toward those asset managers. More resources will be provided for general system users in early Spring 2020 and the system is anticipated to launch to all users in Early May 2020. 

Migration Timeline: 3 Waves Coming in Early 2020

  • Migration Wave 1: The Global Photo Team/WO Global Vault assets are the first set that will migrate over. This migration will give us a chance to ensure that everything will work smoothly for the rest of migrations and to develop and provide a process that asset managers can use to QA their content. 
  • Migration Wave 2:  About half of the regional federation vault accounts will migrate over.
    • Jan 30: Halt all activity in Vault - no other changes will migrate
    • Jan 31-April 10: Assets downloaded, fields mapped from Vault to Aprimo, duplicates removed, uploads into Aprimo. 
    • April 13 - June 5: Metadata Cleanup and image acceptance in Aprimo
  • Migration Wave 3: About half of regional federation vault accounts will migrate over.
    • Feb 13: Halt all activity in Vault – no other changes will migrate
    • Feb 14 – April 24: Assets downloaded, duplicates removed, uploaded to Aprimo.
    • April 27 - June 5: Metadata cleanup and image acceptance in Aprimo
  • Training *Lite*: Asset Management Training for Uploads: Early April 
  • System QA: Mid June Tentativev(No changes should be made in Aprimo during this time). 
  • System Training on end of May 
  • System Launch for All Users: June 15

*Minimal training will be provided to enable contributors to manage assets and metadata. Full training will still take place for everyone, including contributors, in May. 

Teams Migrating in Wave II

Edits in Vault stop Jan 30; Metadata cleanup and asset acceptance in Aprimo April 13 - June 5. 

Wave II Teams
 Colorado   New Mexico  Washington  Africa   New Zealand
 Florida  New York
 West Virginia  Canada  Papua New Guinea
 Idaho  North Dakota  Wisconsin  Caribbean  Solomon Islands
 Maine  Ohio   Wyoming  Hong Kong  
 Maryland/DC  Oregon    Indonesia   
 Massachusetts  South Dakota    Micronesia   
 New Hampshire   Utah    Mongolia  
 New Jersey   Virginia    Myanmar  

Teams Migrating in Wave III

Edits in Vault stop Feb 13; Metadata cleanup and asset acceptance in Aprimo late April 27 - June 5. 

Wave III Teams
 Alabama   Indiana   Montana  Texas  
 Alaska  Iowa   Nebraska  Great Lakes 
 Arkansas  Kansas  Nevada  Gulf of Mexico Program 
 Arizona  Kentucky  North Carolina   Australia
 California  Louisiana  Oklahoma  Latin America (All Programs)
 Connecticut  Michigan  Pennsylvania  Brazil 
 Delaware  Minnesota   Rhode Island  China
 Georgia  Mississippi  South Carolina  Costa Rica
 Hawaii  Mississippi River Program   Tennessee  Emerald Edge 
 Illinois  Missouri   New Mexico  Mexico
 Ohio  North Dakota  South Dakota  Utah

Key Takeaways:

  • The new DAM will provide quality photography, design files, and audio files to all TNC staff.
  • The new DAM will communicate directly with Marketing systems so that photos do not need to be duplicated or uploaded twice (after integrations are built through the end of FY20). 
  • The new DAM will have a sophisticated permissions structure to make sure access to photos is well managed.
  • The new DAM will allow for the curation of collections for easier sourcing of new imagery and the best representations of our global work.

Goals of DAM Implementation

  Before Migration After Migration

Asset Storage

TNC High quality images are in various, unsecured locations  TNC marketing assets are in one secure, backed-up location

Rights and Security

No consitent way of tracking/managing asset permissions and rights One secure system for tracking and managing assets and their rights


Individual images are uploaded into the AEM DAM and/or to Khoros to be used online as needed Assets can be sourced from the DAM directly into key Enterprise systems

Global Access

All Vault users have access to request hi-res download of the selected images that are in the WO Vault All DAM users have access to hi-res download of a wider selection of marketing assets in the DAM

Categorization & Tracking                          

No consistent metadata usage on images or across platforms, no consistent categorization of images Consistent metadata usage across platforms, easier to locate images and track how they are used and what we need

Critical Update: Timeline Shift

Hello Asset Managers!

Critical Update: The DAM Launch and all pre-launch activities have shifted out 4 weeks. In preparing the Vault assets for migration into the Aprimo DAM we realized a benefit to spending more time cleaning up and mapping the asset metadata before uploading assets into the DAM. This is our attempt to reduce the time you will need to take to update metadata once assets are in the Aprimo DAM, although we will need your help to complete missing descriptive metadata fields where applicable. More on that to come soon.

What this means for you:

  • We will open the system up to Wave II admins in mid-April and Wave III admins in late-April, NOT in March, and you will have until early June to make edits (final dates coming soon).
  • We will cancel the training sessions scheduled in March and reschedule them in April just before you get in the system. 
  • The system will be launched to all users in June.

We will update timelines and post updated information on the page over the next couple weeks. We will also be connecting directly with the programs who have requested support resources with updates on what to expect.

Thank you!

February 20, 2020 Updates on DAM Migration


If you are on this email, it is our understanding that you are responsible for digital assets for your program.Please let us know by Friday, February 21, if someone else should be our point of contact by replying and cc Here is our current list of folks responsible for digital marketing assets sorted by program. It is critical that we are communicating with the right folks as we work through the next stages of asset migration work.

Updates and Important Dates:

  • As of Friday, February 14th, all assets have been extracted from Vault. Any additional uploads or changes made in Vault will not be reflected in the Aprimo DAM. 
  • Invitations have been sent out for the migration training sessions.
    • We ask that you do your best to attend the session that corresponds with your asset ‘wave’ (check your Wave here) to manage session sizes and ensure that you are getting the right information just in time to start using the system. If you cannot attend live, you can watch a session recording prior to logging into the production environment. 
    • There will be an additional ~90min self-paced system training/tour that all contributors (asset uploaders) will be required to take when the system goes live in May. This will cover our goals for the system, best practices, hidden tips and tricks, and more.
    • Here are the migration pre-flight training sessions – contact if you need to be added to one of the following: [DATES DELETED - TIMELINE UPDATED]

*Any asset managers that will be involved in migration clean-up who are NOT part of a Vault RFA wave should join one of the Wave 3 sessions.

Thank you all for your continued collaboration!


17 January 2020 Migration Update Email

Hi All!

We want to share some important updates and resources now that we have mostly finished configuring the new DAM (Yay). We will also post this information on the Digital Knowledge Center page later today.

  1. TNC Licenses and Usage Rights – In the Aprimo DAM we will be mapping asset licenses to usage rights. This means that when you designate a license for your photo, the system will surface information about how that photo can be used based on that license. License is going to be a required field with a dropdown menu, so every photo is required to have one of the following 8 license terms associated with it:
  • All Rights
  • All Rights – No Commercial
  • TNC License
  • Internal Rights
  • Limited Internal Rights
  • Limited External Rights
  • Public Domain
  • Pay for Use

See the attached document for details on what each term means as far as asset usage (i.e. Can the asset be used in social media? Shared with partners?).

As you prep your assets for migration, adding these exact license terms in the USAGE TERMS field in Vault is a useful step you can take right now with certainty that it will map 1:1 in the Aprimo DAM.  You can add any additional usage information in the Notes field in Vault, which will migrate to the Usage Notes in the Aprimo DAM.

We have updated these terms in the spreadsheet we sent out in the (attached) email sent December 20. If you were working off the terms provided at that time that is fine! All of those terms still work, we have just added a few additional.

  1. A note on the Spreadsheet: The spreadsheet contains all of the taxonomy terms you need in the new DAM and shows how fields in Vault (V) will map to the fields in the Aprimo DAM (ADAM). There are additional fields in the Aprimo DAM that do not currently exist Vault, but these will mostly need to be handled in the Aprimo DAM or in the migration spreadsheets. For now, I would focus on the fields that do map over. For easy reference, I have broken those out below:
Vault Field Name  Aprimo DAM Field Name  Notes 
Filename (V) Filename (ADAM)  
Title (V) Display Title (ADAM)  
Caption (V) Description (ADAM)  
Tags (V) Keywords (ADAM)  
Usage Terms (V)   License (ADAM)   Usage terms is where you should enter one of the 8 TNC license terms.
Notes (V) Usage Notes (ADAM)  open text field where you can add specifics about how an asset can/cannot be used.
Copyright (V) Copyright (ADAM)  
Catalogue No. (V) Vault ID (ADAM)  
License Group (V) License Contract (ADAM)  
Model/Property Released (V)  Released (ADAM)  Yes/No
Release File (V) Model Release (ADAM)  URL of model release document


  1. Assistance Requests: Thank you to everyone who submitted Google forms detailing your needs for support. We have heard you and we have secured resources to support you. However, the decision was made to hold the support for now and focus resources on fixing assets after migration in the Aprimo DAM. The reality is that no matter how much prep we do in Vault now, there will be work to do in the Aprimo DAM because of new fields and functionality in the DAM that don’t exist in Vault. That work will be done in March and April, after migration and before go live. In the meantime, we want to talk about ways that you can best leverage freelancer hours when they become available. We will be looking to set up a call in the next couple of weeks with asset managers who requested help to talk through this process.

Thank you for your patience and persistence. If you missed the Digital All Call on Wednesday, Jan 15th, Becky Boutwell and Ethan Kearns talked through the new DAM and demoed some of the functionality. I highly recommend that you catch up on that call with the recording:

Jan 15 Digital All Call Recording

Please reach out to Jenael Falcao, Megan Sheehan, and/or Alison Kim if you have any questions or concerns.


December 20, 2019 Email Update to Asset Managers

Hi all,

Thank you very much for joining our call last week to hear where we are with the onboarding of our new DAM and what this means for migrating our assets from Vault to Aprimo.

December Update Call Recording and Deck

If you missed the meeting, here is the link to the recording and the presentation:

Reference Page for Updated Info

For updated dates on the migration timeline and an updated list of when each program will migrated (Waves II & III) visit the support site page on Asset Management Transformation. [This site!]

Metadata Guidance

As promised, we’re providing you with metadata guidance so that you can work through updating your images in Vault prior to the migration into Aprimo. This spreadsheet contains:

  • The fields you should focus on
  • What content should exist within those fields

The spreadsheet contains the important fields in Vault (Row 6 highlighted in lavender) and how they map to the fields in Aprimo (Row 7 highlighted in lime). Row 8 shows the data type. The data type lets you know how a field is configured. If the field says “Taxonomy” for data type, that means you will be choosing from a set list of terms. Those terms are listed in the spreadsheet (rows 9+ in blue font). You can also find these taxonomy terms in the newly-edited linked taxonomy chart, updated to reflect what we now know about the taxonomy configuration in the DAM.

Timeline – Also See Timeline Tab

We’re also providing you with a more detailed timeline of the migration of your assets into Aprimo, and this timeline is different than what we shared on the call. These are important dates to note:

  • Jan 30: all Wave II asset managers should cease any and all work within Vault
  • Jan 31: all Wave II assets will be exported from Vault
  • Feb 13: all Wave III asset managers should cease any and all work within Vault
  • Feb 14: all Wave III assets will be exported from Vault
  • Mar 16 – April 24: all asset managers will be able to continue metadata work within Aprimo

If you do not have the bandwidth now to clean up your images in Vault, that is ok! Please note the last bullet above, and set aside time to work on that metadata once the assets are in Aprimo.

Should you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Megan (megan.sheehan@TNC.ORG), Jenael ( or Alison (

Call Recordings on Asset Management Transformation 

December 2019 Update: 

In December we held calls to prepare asset managers for the migration. In these calls we shared the groupings we had created for two migration efforts. The first migrating group will move over in late January, the second group will move over in mid-February (both preceeded by the Global Vault asset migration in mid-January). 

In late June we held two calls, one with North America content managers and one with Asia Pacific content managers, in which we talked about the effort to overhaul asset management at TNC and introduce improved tools. If you missed the calls, I would recommend that you listen to the AP Call feature in a link to the right. The AP call is about 30min long and very succinct. If you want to hear a more extensive question and answer discussion, you can listen to the NA call linked on the right. That call was closer to an hour in length. 

In October, Ethan Kearns and Becky Boutwell shared information about the digital asset management upgrade with all interested stakeholders during a Digital All Call. That call was also recorded and can be found under Digital All Calls in the News section of this site. 


Aprimo DAM Contributor Training - May 2020

We are developing an online training program for DAM contributors. A contributor is anyone with upload permissions. This will be self-paced and around 1-2 hours in length total. All contributors must open and complete the course individually in for visibility and reporting. 

This online training will not only cover the essential tasks, it will also cover important best practices, governance, tips and tricks, and the theory behind how the DAM is structured. 

All contributors* will be required to take this training by the end of June 2020 OR within 60 days of gaining access to the Aprimo DAM. We are providing this grace period to allow users to practice skills learned in the training with their own assets. 

*Contributors trained in April 2020 for migration will still be required to complete the online module. 

Lot's more info on this project can be found on our FAQ Page